Chocolate and a warm beach = heaven

Since I decided to jump in this blog wagon I have been looking for a design that would fit me and my interests so of course I was looking for something art related but then I stumbled on this design that had the colors of rich chocolate and the ocean in the background and when I looked at it I instantly loved it so I thought it would be perfect for my blog and even if it has nothing to do with crafts, I love chocolate! (who dosen't) and I have always loved the ocean so this was a perfect theme but then I kept on wanting chocolate everytime I looked at it, which of course is not a good thing when one is trying to loose some lbs. before the summer hits. So I decided to go with a more upbeat and lively theme.

But seeing the image of the chocolate beach made me remember how I always enjoyed playing and walking along the ocean and squishing the warm soft sand between my toes as the waves come in.... It brings me back to some fond childhood memories. (sigh) (daydreaming and smiling)

As I listen to the wind

Ok so it's a little late or should I say early (3:30 am) and I am up the wind is blowing so hard outside that it woke me up. Wow! listening to it blow out there makes me wonder what has blown away and what has blown our way. I guess when they said that there is a wind advisory they were not kidding. I think they said it's supposed to be 50 to 60 mph. Just think about that...that could really blow away some stuff, this is definitely not the day to wear a dress or skirt unless of course that's your cup of tea.... then have at it.

Hmmm thinkng of tea I think I will head to teh kitchen and make me a cup. I dont think I will be falling asleep again so I guess this is Goodmorning.

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